Masters Thesis Pim Bos

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Thesis Document (in Dutch): Bedrijfsregels in verschillende vormen - Een vergelijking op toepasbaarheid tussen SWRL en Relatie algebra bij wetteksten

This page holds the data sets and research results from the Master's Thesis of Pim Bos. They involve previously existing implementation of the Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag (VOG) legal text with the business rule tool Ampersand and this thesis work's implementation of the VOG in Semantic Web technologies.

Ampersand implementation of the VOG
VOG Ampersand application The page on this wiki with external resources for the Ampersand implementation of the VOG that this thesis work uses
RA - VOG - Documentatie.pdf The documentation that Ampersand automatically generates from the VOG code
06 - Afstudeerscriptie - Demo storyboard - Ampersand.pptx This thesis work's demo storyboard for the Ampersand implementation of the VOG
Semantic Web implementation of the VOG
Vog.owl The OWL file holding the ontology code for this thesis work's Semantic Web implementation of the VOG
06 - Afstudeerscriptie - Demo storyboard - Protege.pptx This thesis work's demo storyboard for the its Semantic Web implementation of the VOG
Both implementations
06 - Afstudeerscriptie - Demoscript.docx A demo storyboard for both implementations together